33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map) Bienvenidov

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33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map) Bienvenidov
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33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map)

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33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map) Empty 33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map)

Mensaje  Compañia Dom 28 Jul - 1:13:52

33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map) WEB_SS

By midday on the 26th February 1945, the bulk of the SS-French Division had reached Neustettin. Of the 4500 troops that formed the Division, 1000 of them including 15 officers were missing in action. Overall about 50 Russian tanks were destroyed and inflicted more then double of Russian casualties.
At Neustettin about thirty Iron Crosses were awarded. This caused the French forces to re-organize in Neustettin with three small battle groups. By the 2nd of March 1945, the new organization consisted of the following battle groups, which consisted of two battalions: The first group was referred as "Regiment of Marche," which had the best elements of men, under the command of Ostuf. Fenet. The second group was mostly made up of ex-LVF and Miliciens under the command of Hstuf. Bassompierre. The third group was a Reserve unit of two small battalion size groups placed under the command of Hstuf. Monneuse. During the 3rd & 4th March 1945, these battle groups were surrounded. One battle group tried to escape under cover of the fog, unfortunately the fog cleared, and they were exposed to a murderous fire from the Russian artillery. Oberführer Puaud was among those missing. Another battle group, which was composed mostly of former miliciens thought that the Baltic ports were in enemy hands and attempted a fighting retreat westward. All were either killed or taken captive including Bassompierre. The third group was trapped in a pocket on the Baltic coast in Danzig.SS-Brigaderführer Krukenberg, received orders to evacuate his remaining troops via the German Navy. The remnants split into small groups and dispersed in all directions. During this withdrawal, the group of mostly LVF veterans engaged ex-German POWs of the "Seydlitz Division." This German Division fought on the Soviet side. On the 10th March the French SS reached the Oder and crossing by pontoon bridge they broke the Soviet circle. In mid-March all that was left of the division regrouped at Neustrelitz. A regimental strength and a small battalion size of men were reorganized.

33 Grenadier-Division der SS Charlemagne (Singleplayer Map) Descargarnuevo37


How to install my Mod:

1) Unzip.
2) To install it, just put the folders in:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\men of war assault squad\mods
or C:\Program Files\1C Company\men of war assault squad\mods

Then  you've to go in option.
2) Mod.
3) apply the Mod (dont forget to remove all the other mods) and then my Mod will appear in the skirmish menu.


Cantidad de envíos : 1607
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2009
Localización : Valencia

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